The ACL: Injury, Repair & Rehabilitation

Course Description & Information:

  • Despite advances in research, rehab and surgical procedures ACL injuries continue to make up a significant portion of knee injuries in the US and worldwide. This course is designed to enhance the participants knowledge and understanding of the ACL injury. In this course the prevalence of ACL injuries will be identified, the mechanisms will be discussed, surgical options presented and up to date rehabilitation guidelines and ideas will be outlined. This course is a must for anyone working with ACL patients or wanting to expand their knowledge base in this patient population. Intermediate level.
Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify the significance of ACL injuries within knee injuries and sport.
  • Identify relevant anatomy and biomechanics as it relates to the ACL.
  • Identify tests utilized to identify an ACL injury.
  • Explain the various grafts being used for surgical repair.
  • Compare and contrast the outcomes of various grafts used in surgical repair of the ACL.
  • Describe precautions associated with post-surgical rehabilitation.
  • Explain early, mid and late phase rehabilitation and identify key components to each phase.
  • Identify and discuss return to sport tests.
Learning Outcome: At least 80% of class participants will score 70% or greater on course post-test.

Course Credit: 2 Contact Hours

Accreditations: View Course Accreditations

Who Should Attend:

Physical Therapy Professionals, Occupational Therapy professionals, Dietitian, Diet Techs and other exercise professionals.

Certificate Requirements:

  • Full attendance.
  • Completion of course post-test (70%) and evaluation.

How to Take a Live Online Seminar: View Tutorial